I was one of those “avid readers” as a kid, with a particular fondness for historical fiction. Yet I never wanted to write historical fiction (or any other kind) until sometime in my twenties, as a young wife with too much time on my hands. Soon I was a young mother, with no time on my hands, but somehow managed to complete my first novel. Which was never published, because it wasn’t very good. I had a lot to learn about plot and character interaction, pacing, and much more. I learned it over the course of two decades and four unpublished novels—all for adults, and all historical fiction except one.

My first novel for a younger audience was published in 2000, followed by five more over the next fifteen years. Some are out of print and may be difficult to find, especially in the original hardcover edition. But you can also order from me (check or money order only) while supplies last!

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